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About the Arlenian Chronicles

A Tale of Three Generations

The Age of the Prophet begins with a young girl, one who grows to build a dynasty. Here are the stories of her and her brother, her daughters, and her granddaughters. As they journey into the world, they will experiencing love and loss, hope and despair, and above all, the bonds that they share.

The Arlenian Chronicles: Bio

The Timeline

This series begins long after the Great Sorrow. Each story follows after the other, and it is highly recommended that they be read in order.


Rendin and Rune


The Three Sisters

The Ten Granddaughters (novellas)

The Discussion.jpg
The Arlenian Chronicles: Welcome

A Closer Look

My Current Works In Progress

The Arlenian Chronicles: List
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Rendin and Rune


Fourteen-year-old Rune and her brother Rendin are living comfortably in the home of their lord and lady. However, their safe haven is shattered when Elementa Continent’s current oppressors invade the port city where they live. Now on the run, and with only each other for support, Rendin and Rune must find a new home, or at least one that has not yet been taken by the enemy.

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Peace is restored to Elementa Continent, as well as a just ruler to Elementa’s High Throne. Twenty-five-year-old Rune now faces new duties, the most important of which includes a new child. Life will certainly not be easy for either of them, and when politics drags her daughter into its dangerous midst, Rune vows to protect her at any cost. Yet even she cannot protect her child from everything.

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The Three Sisters


Fifteen-year-old Lullia has fought many battles, though these are no only physical. Her journeys have taken her to Oloran, the Country of Nature and Song, far from her mother and two sisters. It is in Oloran, during her training as a bard, that she encounters obstacles in the form of an ancient evil, both in the physical world and within herself. With the help of her younger sisters, Constellina and Larethla, Lullia must face this darkness before it can swallow her and everything she knows.

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Fourteen-year-old Mintla is loath to admit it, but she is … different. Born an elf into a human family, her identity is difficult enough to define and explain. When a company of elves arrive to claim her as their own, she is thrust into a world of uncertainty and fear. Now she seeks to answer a question, one that will take her through wild lands and new dangers: who, or what, is she?

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Throughout her fourteen years of life, Brave has been blind. All she knows is a world of darkness that can only be navigated by her remaining four senses, and some helping hands. Yet now she must move beyond her home: a stolen artifact must be returned, lest the wrath of the ancient Ocean Guardians be roused. Guided by the wind, Brave begins her journey into the unfamiliar world, where she must make the distinction between friend and foe without even a smidgen of sight.

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It is time for fourteen-year-old Musicanna to perform her rite of passage. The test has been changed since her mother’s years: now Musicanna faces a vast desert filled with strange creatures, while the sun burns mercilessly overhead. Tasked with finding a special object, she soon finds herself caught up in something more sinister than ever imagined.

The Arlenian Chronicles: List
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Legends say that the dragons were hunted to extinction. For fourteen-year-old Coeli, this means she might never learn the truth about the cursed fire that wounded her. Can she find her answer somewhere else? Or has it been buried with the dragons in darkness forever?

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The end has arrived. The Dark Goddess has gathered all her forces and is ready to make good on a vow that goes back to the Beginning: to finish the All-Mother once and for all.

Sidera is the youngest at fourteen, yet she needs no protection from her sisters and cousins. She is forced to cover her eyes at all costs to cover the death emanating from her gaze. It is this curse that she plans to take into battle, one that will determine the fate of Omniaa.

The Arlenian Chronicles: List
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